21 September, 2012

Why not everyone is meant to write?

I'm writing. Therefore my concern.

People who write have to explain things sequentially. That means the first letter followed by the second one. A word followed by another, an idea and the following one, and, So on and so forth. I don't think that way. I think in pictures. Snapshots of ideas that pop up with their complex relations. Don't get me wrong, I talk to myself like any-other person but my talks are more like a discussion with nonstop popping thoughts saying -but this, -but that, - its generally true but not really, - ohh ohh also remember that ...   So my thoughts are something more complex than a single dimension. I think on some kind of hyperspace.

I'm not saying by any means that writers are simple minded. I'm saying that I find amazing that someone is able to get into such hyperspace and clarify an idea sufficiently enough to be able to map all that information in a single stream to be able to be explained sequentially.

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